What a season! They hadn't had a loss since Week One. They make it all the way to the second round of the playoffs and Anthony Baskerville and West Side come in and pull the rug right away from them.
But what a week like this teaches you Y'ers is that adversity makes you stronger. Set backs make your mind tougher. Losses give you experience.
What West Side gave Morristown is a gift, not a loss. And given the fact that the core of that MoTown team is coming back next year, they will be reciprocating that gift to some poor sap team next year. It is called the Circle of Life. What is freely given to you, you freely give to the next guy.

As for Morris Hills, they came through when it counted. You really have to tip your hat off to them beating Chatham this week and making it to the State Finals. They beat some really good teams to get where they are now. They have a host of characters that make that team and a great leader in Sabo, the coach.
What is scaring me though is they are all concerned with playing at Giants Stadium, and don't seem to be focusing on the monster that looms in the Meadowlands, the West Essex Scarlet Knights. The Knights seemed to be the New England Patriots of the North 2, Group 2 section.
Can Morris Hills even play on the same field as Wessex? I don't know. We will find out. They have two weeks to prepare and good thing, they will need all that time. I hope their coaches believe in studying game tapes. Because I think they need to key in on Wessex weaknesses, however few their are.
As for E.O., they proved their are the real deal too in front of a bitter MoKnolls fan base. Knolls fans booed more than they cheered as E.O. moved to the State Finals in the North 1, Group 4 section. But can they play with the big boys of Montclair? Montclair will be by far their toughest opponent of the year.
There are a lot of question marks here. The good news is we have two whole weeks to talk smack about it!

*I think it is so stupid that schools do not have Thanksgiving Day football games. It is not stupid, it is un-American. I remember going to Thanksgiving Day games as a kid. It was just part of the day.

*So for the last 20 years, me and my idiot friends get together and play a game of tackle in the morning and we call it the Turkey Bowl. Then we spend the 4 weeks before xmas healing from being sore. Fakehead plays.
*We actually made a rule called the "Fakehead Rule". We actually named it by his real name but since we don't want our jobs to know that we spend 30 hours a week maintaining this site, we'll just call it the "Fakehead Rule". The "Fakehead Rule" was developed because Fakehead has a knack for making some really spectacular catches (a la Doug Dudek) on the sideline. Many times he was technically out of bounds when he caught the ball. But since Fakehead laid himself out to make the catch so bad that we always ended up giving his the the ball where he caught it. So we started calling it the "Fakehead Rule". Now, whenever anybody makes a good catch and it is iffy weather or not he was inbounds, we implement the Fakehead Rule. Any questions on it, just email me and I will clarify it better.
*I actually just emailed the NJSIAA to see if they would consider the Fakehead Rule for HS footall.
*I actually cannot wait for this year's Turkey Bowl. We might end up calling it the WOPS vs. the WASPS Bowl because half the guys will be Itialian and the other half will be White Anglo's.
*This video is classic Will Farrell and it needs to be shared and viewed by the readers of this blog.
I was soooo wrong about HP. Hinton gets them down to the fucking 2 and they can't punch it in? It's too bad. West Essex is a great team though, my hat is off to them. HP should be proud of their season though, if Hinton was around all year maybe things are a little different, who the hell knows.
I was surprised about Motown, I didn't realize West Side had a player that died two years ago, sad stuff, maybe it will motivate them to a championship but something tells me they won their last game this season.
As for Chatham, Unruly, how the fuck could you pick them over your own family's school? Doesn't make sense bro. It wasn't even close.
I am still dying laughing about that video, awesome, hilarious stuff. Oh my God!
As for anything about the Jets, how dare you not put it on justnyjets.com????? Traitor. What about Razor Gator? Are you abandoning our sponsor already?
And who cares about draft picks? The Jets are NOT playing to lose and get a draft pick. Have some dignity you bastard!
Go Jets! and Go Morris Hills!
Unruly, please fix the Jets blog, I can't stand the new format, thanks.
Rules - stop blowing Motown. They are going to be a flash-in-the pan next year too. That is of course unless they too ave a death on their team and get motivated like Newark...but then if you live in newark the chances of that happening statistically are higher anyway, Does that dilute the effect?
Val Halla, Motown has some real skillz. I envision the juniors of Mendham facing the juniors of Motown next year in the finals.
Hey, Hoffman outlined the new NJCIT playoff plan. http://www.dailyrecord.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20071120/COLUMNISTS07/711200317/1013/SPORTS
It sounds like a better plan. I would like to read it to fully understand it though.
I am glad that everyone agrees that Mendham got completely shafted.
it gets voted on the beginning of December. we'll see.
Doesn't anyone care about the Thanksgiving Day matchups?
Unruly and I, as usual, disagree. Usually we disagree about who is hotter, he thinks that old lady from Golden Girls is super hot, while I think the chick from the Transformers movie is hot.
Regardless, Unruly is also under the impression that Thanksgiving Day games are lame. I guess you think that the Pledge of Allegiance, Opening Day for baseball and 4th of July Parades are lame too Unruly! It's TRADITION!!!!!!!!!!! Is nothing sacred? Thanksgiving Day games are a time when the old gang gets back together and roots for their alma mater to kick some ass on the old gridion. Then they go back to their family's house and drink themselves into a stupor while eating turkey and watching football on the TV until their parents call the police on them and they spend the night in jail. It's fucking tradition, and it should be celebrated, not chastized! Speaking of Turkey Day games, Verona is playing Cedar Grove AGAIN, even though Verona already lost and Cedar Grove is playing for the STate Championship next weekend. Needless to say, Verona is playing to win. Interesting story, about 6 years ago, the same thing happened as what happened this year, Cedar Grove beat Verona and then they played on Thanksgiving before Cedar Grove played for the State Title. Well, Cedar Grove's star running back broke his LEG during the Thanksgiving Day game. Cedar Grove then lost the state championship game. I wonder how long the starters will be on the field for CG this year?
Regardless, I disagree with Unruly, play on Turkey Day, just as we idiots play football every Thanksgiving, even though we are too old and I am sore for a week, (that's what she said) I will still play tackle football with my buddies on Turkey Day because it is TRADITION, and that has to stand for something.
Goooooooo Jets!
Fakehead, when did I say that Thanksgiving football games suck? Bro, didn't I say that it is "UnAmerican" to not have a Thanksgiving Day game??? You just like to start controversy.
I think you've hit the bottle early this year. At any rate, the chicks you like are all scarred up. Like when you showed me that picture of Tina Fey. She is ok, but she is all scarred up. What the hell is with that? Normal people show you a picture of like Rebecca Romain Stamos and say, "Is she hot or what?" You send me a picture of a semi hot chick with no arms and tell me how hot she is. It is obvious you have some taste issues.
As for the Turkey Bowl tomorrow, I am going to hit you so hard you are going to bleed out of your ass.
And by the way, what is with you and Verona? You couldnt even tell me where Verona is on a map. But I must admit, that is an interesting fact about Cedar Grove and that kid breaking his leg and missing the State Finals.
Oh well...those are the breaks.
ha ha, nice pun Unruly.
I definitely misread your Thanksgiving quote, I apologize.
Dude, what is the challenge of asking if a hot piece of ass is hot? You have to send a semi-hot could go either way chic to really see if she is hot by vote. Come on man, get with the program! Is there any question that Giselle is hot? Ummm, fuck no! How about the chick from Knocked Up? It depends.
Anyway, my boss's son plays for Verona, so I hear about it. That is the only reason I know anything aobut Verona, or care. He has three sons, all play football.
Regardless, I hope whereever the fuck we play in Bumblefuck Mendham tomorrow they have access to a hospital (hopefully they don't still use horse-drawn carriages there) because after I break open your skull like an egg with one of my vicious hits you are going to need it. Good luck son.
Dude, that is cool about your bosses sons. Maybe we should make this all about North Jersey Football. We really shouldn't hold ourselves to just Iron Hills.
At any rate, I can't wait till tomorrow Scott Jergenson, "I am actually going to murder you!"
And by the way, I like to play the "Is she Hot or Not" game. But just dont show me a picture of some chick with a birthmark over her face you f'n weirdo.
Tina Fey doesn't have a birthmark, it's a fucking scar dude. She won't talk about how she got it. I'm thinking she used to work for Scott Jergenson.
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