Every week I, Unruly Jets Fan, and Fakehead (my friend since Catholic grade school...yes Fakehead went to Catholic grade school) will weigh our predictions on the end of the week Boys Basketball games.
I will also do a beginning of the week, I will make predictions for another sport (either Girls Basketball, Wrestling, Track, etc.). Plus, we will add another post in the middle of the week (a player profile or something like that) as well to keep the content fresh.
This site is gaining more and more popularity and we appreciate all the emails and feedback you are providing. I am a writer for one of the local papers in Morris County and started this site as a goof. But since it is gaining momentum I have decided to keep it going.

But we are doing our best to keep this site entertaining and somewhat accurate. If you feel we are missing something or dissagree with what we are saying let us know. Feel free to comment or email us.
Okay, enough with the mushy stuff...lets get into the games!!!
7 Columbia (2-0) at East Orange (2-0)
Unruly: This is the biggest game of the year so far in the Iron Hills Conference. Ali Mix has some major skillzzz for East Orange and is money from the 3 point line. Dajuan “Wagner” Williams and Kris “Kross” Taylor help to solidify this team. But I have gotten more emails and phone calls about this Columbia team in the past few weeks it is crazy. People think they are the flat out best team in the conference. And Jameel Grace and Yvon Ramond fell asleep while beating Seton Hall Prep twice last week. I think this has the making of a good game. But Jameel Grace will drop 25 while taking his Cougar team to 3-0.
PICK: Columbia
Unruly: This is the biggest game of the year so far in the Iron Hills Conference. Ali Mix has some major skillzzz for East Orange and is money from the 3 point line. Dajuan “Wagner” Williams and Kris “Kross” Taylor help to solidify this team. But I have gotten more emails and phone calls about this Columbia team in the past few weeks it is crazy. People think they are the flat out best team in the conference. And Jameel Grace and Yvon Ramond fell asleep while beating Seton Hall Prep twice last week. I think this has the making of a good game. But Jameel Grace will drop 25 while taking his Cougar team to 3-0.
PICK: Columbia
FAKEHEAD: I don't know if Sir-Mix-A-Lot can help carry the day for East Orange in this early season game of the week, but either way I heard he likes girls with some junk in their trunk. Seriously though, Ramond and Grace are going to show that Columbia is no joke and beating Seton Hall Prep wasn't a fluke. Look for Columbia to win by at least 5 points, it's going to be a close one and a good game.
PICK: Columbia
7Weequahic (3-0) at Dover (0-1)
Unruly: I like a team that has a lot of people who can score. And that is what Dover has. Henry Saltos, Harriel Lacy and Jaquan Jones can all put up big numbers. Michael Brown can be deadly from the perimeter. But there is one problem, Weequahic is freaking good. Dashwan Eagie can put up 20 points while sitting on the bench. Jashon Mixon can put up 20 points while going to the bathroom. Shahid Brown, Naeem Gayles and Everette Martin hurt ya when you focus too much on Eagie and Mixon. Weequahic is not ready to give up their undefeated status just yet.
PICK: Weequahic
Unruly: I like a team that has a lot of people who can score. And that is what Dover has. Henry Saltos, Harriel Lacy and Jaquan Jones can all put up big numbers. Michael Brown can be deadly from the perimeter. But there is one problem, Weequahic is freaking good. Dashwan Eagie can put up 20 points while sitting on the bench. Jashon Mixon can put up 20 points while going to the bathroom. Shahid Brown, Naeem Gayles and Everette Martin hurt ya when you focus too much on Eagie and Mixon. Weequahic is not ready to give up their undefeated status just yet.
PICK: Weequahic
FAKEHEAD: Weequahic rolls in this one. I have nothign at all against Dover High School or their hoops' players, but Dover itself has problems. Like, for instance, I have started a recycling program at work and on three separate occassions I put out the f*cking recycling and it has not been picked up. I spoke to Dover officials three times and they tell me to just keep putting out on the curb. Meanwhile, it is a ton of sh*t, bottles, newspapers, cardboard, magazines, it is an office for Christ's sake. Dover has done nothing to help me out in my effort to "Go Green." Therefore, I have no choice to boycott all things Dover until this is resolved. The Quac are going to win big.
PICK: Weequahic
7Chatham (2-1) at Hanover Park (1-1)
Unruly: My Alma Mater always has a special place in my heart. And I loved what Phil Gatti and Pete Nagy did on the football field this year. Gatti is just explosive on the basketball court as he was on the grid iron. Greg Baruka is good too. I also like Andrew Walsh from downtown. But I am going with my gut and not my heart on this one. Chatham is too many go to guys, and the coach to boot. They begin with Bill Oliver who shoots like J-Mac did in his two minutes of glory. Even if Oliver was not on the team, Chatham would be a real contender with the likes of Josh Toolajian and Pat Bulter (both of whom can put down 15 points a game). Mike Sweeney and Burton Gildersleeve (who might just have my second favorite name in the conference…next to Sassy Weinstein of Mendham girls b-ball) add the perfect support for this team.
PICK: Chatham (Gatti puts up 22 in the loss though)
PICK: Chatham (Gatti puts up 22 in the loss though)
FAKEHEAD: The "Telfon Guard" Phil Gatti is going to light it up, but I don't know if it will be enough to beat those guys from Chatham. Rumor is, the rats in Chatham have grown so large they scrimmage the boys' hoops' team. Uncovered video footage showed that the Rats almost beat the boys last week. I'm not sure but I think the Rats would beat Dover. (Kidding!)
PICK: Chatham
7Summit (0-2) at Parsippany (1-1)
Unruly: I don’t want to be mean, but I am not exactly going to be calling up PayPerView to make sure I don’t miss this one. I am saying this to call out these two teams to wake up a little bit. I think they have the talent to be better. Kehoe and Baker of Summit can put up the points. Healy can hit from the outside. But basketball consists of defense as well. Parsippany is not going to get off easy hear either. Sean Connolly needs to rally his troops and start playing some ball. And Tariq Yaqoobi needs to have his name in the paper more. Bro, if they pass it to you just shoot it. I don’t care if you are open or not. Just start draining them from down town. Your name needs to be in print more.
PICK: Summit
PICK: Summit
FAKEHEAD: My brother is buddies with a guy named Steve Connolly, I doubt there is any relation to the Connolly on Parsippany, but I heard that kid is pretty good. I mention Connolly because he owns a bar in Boston that is pretty popular. I always wanted to own a bar but he said it is tough because the bartenders are constantly giving drinks away and getting hammered on the job. It almost convinced me that it wasnt' a good idea, but I think the "Iron Hills Bar" would be pretty successful. Of course, no althletes in the conference would be allowed to drink. Sorry kids, you got about 4-5 more years of being underage. (That being said, I see more kids doing coke and percocets in high school than I even imagined - not for nothing but getting caught with that stuff will f*ck up your whole life, trust me - don't do it).
Regardless, Kehoe and Baker have been bright spots for Summit so it's going to be a close one, but I think the Parsippany Red Storm is going to prevail. (I have no clue what Parsippany is called).
Regardless, Kehoe and Baker have been bright spots for Summit so it's going to be a close one, but I think the Parsippany Red Storm is going to prevail. (I have no clue what Parsippany is called).
PICK: Parsippany
7Roxbury (1-1) at Morristown (0-2)
Unruly: What is up with my favorite player Georgie Bass??? He must be under the weather. I had one guy email me and tell me that G. Bass was the best player in the league. I love this kid, so I didn’t doubt it. But I need to see more. Georgie, I am calling you out. This is your team pal; let’s show Roxbury what MoTown b-ball is all about. Colvin and the Breeman boys need to get off the schnyde as well. To me, this is Morristown’s playoffs. Because Eric Vaccacio, Alex Szarejko and Tom Rosatelli of Roxbury can all score and gel on D. Brian Mohr is a freaking animal too. But, I am going on a limb here and seeing if the Colonials can answer my call.
PICK: Morristown
PICK: Morristown
FAKEHEAD: The "Vac Attack" is going to lead Roxbury over Motown this week. That's right, Eric Vaccacio has been playing great thus far and will continue to do so, even against Unruly's favorite player of all time, George Bass.
PICK: Roxbury
7Morris Hills (2-0) at Parsippany Hills (1-2)
Unruly: Can somebody please tell me if the “The Dude” plays basketball or not? Is he sick or something? I don’t know why I like Morris Hills so much. Maybe it is because their whole football team basically plays hoops. They really do have the making of a good team this year. They have the perfect point man in Adam Katz, who reminds me of Bobby Hurley of the early ‘90’s Duke team (which I just realized most of the readers weren’t even born for so scratch that analogy). Andrew Zelnick, Dan Kellner & the Marotta bros make a pretty good team. But what makes this team special is King Justin (aka Justin D., The Big D, J-Dog, J.D., Snoop Donilosky, Air Donilosky). King Justin actually swallowed a basketball one time at a party. He is just crazy sick (or whatever the kids say these days) on the court. Hey, I am not taking away from what Par Hills has either. I like them. Justin Thomas can put up some solid numbers. Greg DePugh plays good D. Blake Cruz is money from downtown and Brian Becher can get it done. But not on this night.
PICK: MoHills (King Justin scores 30…18 in the first half)
PICK: MoHills (King Justin scores 30…18 in the first half)
FAKEHEAD: What is about Mo Hills this year, they are just playing well in everything. I'm not sure how their chess or debate teams are doing but damn, they are good in the majors. Look for Donilinsky and Katz to be like Shaq and Kobe in the early 2000s this year. I respect Par Hills, but they won't score more than 45 in this one.
PICK: Morris Hills by 15
7Morris Knolls (0-3) at Seton Hall Prep (1-1)
Unruly: Morris Knolls is beginning to look like they can get out of their funk with Sean Pauls leading the way. But they need Steve Bellani, JJ Boylasn and Brandon Danzy to be more consistent. They need a win in a bad way to start to build on something. But unfortunately it won’t be this night. Ashton and Sterling Gibbs are about to begin their tear through the IHC. I think this is just he beginning of a 10 game winning streak. Stephon Treadwell and Rahmaan Patton will be adding the much need support on the boards and from the field.
PICK: Seton Hall Prep (don’t bother taking your coats off, it will be over before it starts) *That little remark is to wake you up Knolls!
PICK: Seton Hall Prep (don’t bother taking your coats off, it will be over before it starts) *That little remark is to wake you up Knolls!
FAKEHEAD: What the heck is going on with the Prep? It seems unbeliveable that Gibbs and Company are 1-2 but they will certainly even out their record against an overmatched Knolls team this Friday. Look for the Prep to romp, and maybe get some confidence back.
PICK: Seton Hall Prep
7Randolph (1-0) at Livingston (1-0)
Unruly: Kyle Aiken is making a name for himself in the IHC. He is on a nice path to All County honors. Justin Foster seems to be on that same path as well. But I haven’t seen enough of this group to see if they can go anywhere as a team. And Livingston might actually be a real contender this year behind Corey Eisen, Ben White, Zack Lomita and Mike Helweil. The problem for Livingston is they play in a tough division with the likes of SHP, Columbia, Morritown and Mt. Olive to contend with. But I just don’t know if Randolph is in the same breath as those I just mentioned.
PICK: Livingston
FAKEHEAD: Somebody's going to be .500 after this game. I think that Kyle Aiken (I hope to God for his sake he is not related to Clay) and Justin Foster are going to prepel Randolph over Eisen, Lomita and company this week. But it's going to be damn close. Should be a good one.
PICK: Randolph
PICK: Randolph
7West Morris (0-2) at Mount Olive (2-0)
Unruly: I would like to see West Morris start to get good at basketball. I know they live in the boondocks, but come on already. First of all Jared Washkas cannot play all the positions. He needs Josh Boyd and Derek Kanbour to play better defense. And I am giving Famularo to start to take more shots from outside. But Mt. Olive is rolling. The Highlanders/Wolfpacks are led by Brian Bublitz. You may remember him from from football season. Bublitz has an easy job because all he needs to do is dish it off to Russell Halloway who is a scoring machine. In fact, Halloway might be the best in the league from downtown. Gerod Hatcher and Danny Gutman also have the ability to put big numbers.
PICK: Mount Olive (Hatcher & Holloway combine for 38 points in the win)
PICK: Mount Olive (Hatcher & Holloway combine for 38 points in the win)
FAKEHEAD: Dannny "Guts" Gutman and Russell Simmons Halloway are just a few of the weapons Mt. Olive has in its arsenal. Washkas at West Morris is carrying the team right now, and unfortunately it's too big for his shoulders. Look for Mt. Olive to roll, especially if they manage to get Washkas in some foul trouble early.
PICK: Mount Olive
7Mendham (1-1) at West Essex (1-1)
Unruly: This should be an awesome game. Jeff George, who comes with much fan fare, and his West Essex Knights will host the Minutemen of Mendham. Josh Sigler and Chris Jung are scoring threats while Rocco Carnevale and Even Elberg can really pound the boards. There is no team the league who tosses up more three’s than Wessex. But Mendham has a strategy. What they do is lure opponents into their kitchen under a false premise. Then they introduce their point guard who comes out to great you. “Hi my name is Chris Hanson. We are doing a story on basketball teams who have too much hype surrounding them.
After squirming around in the chair for 10 minutes, Hanson lets them know they are free to leave. When they walk out the door, Rob Berish and Mark Cisco jump on them, cuff them and drop 20 points a piece on them.
PICK: Mendham (This is the beginning of a long winning streak for the Minutemen too)

PICK: Mendham (This is the beginning of a long winning streak for the Minutemen too)
FAKEHEAD: Mendham is feeling "Berish" after starting the season 1-1 and they have their hands full with a stocked West Essex team. That being said, I think the "Bear Man" as Rob Berish is affectionally referred to as by his fans, will play his heart out, score 20 and take Mendham above .500 this week. By the way, I had no clue Jeff George is now playing hoops for West Essex. The last time I heard of that guy he was quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons. This guy will never stop playing sports. Good for him, but somebody might want to make sure he is taking classes at WE.
PICK: Mendham
Best Boys B-Ball Teams Voted by You
1. Chatham (17% of votes)
2. Seton Hall Prep (16%)
3. West Essex (12%)
4. Morris Hills (9%)
5. Mendham (7%)
Best Boys B-Ball Players Voted by You
1. Jeff George - West Essex (23%)
2. Billy Oliver - Chatham (16%)
3. Ashton Gibbs - Seton Hall Prep (13%)
4. Moss - Livingston - Livingston (7%)
5. Chris Kehoe - Summit (5%)
*Keep voting if you disagree. Or if there is someone else, put their name in the "other" field. Keep voting all season long.
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