-Martin Luther King, Jr.

I actually think in the U.S. we have come a long way. At least from the 1800's. And compared to other countries. But we do have a long way to go to get to where Dr. King was talking about where we should be.
But I really would like to talk about one thing that seems to something that helps us to forget about racism and inequality. Something that helps us to see the same color and not see religious differences. Something that helps us just be together as humans and enjoy ourselves.
That something is SPORTS.
A few years ago I was coming home from a business trip in Boston. On the way come, cutting through Connecticut, I was listing to the Stephen A. Smith radio show on ESPN Radio. He was talking about how crappy the Knicks were doing. I had a long stretch of CT to drive through so I decided call in and join the vent-fest of callers.
I must have waited on hold for 45 minutes. The call screener kept coming on the phone and telling me to hang in there, so I did.
Meanwhile, Stephen A.'s topic switch from the Knicks to some stupid comment that Bryant Gumble said on HBO about racism. I forget what the details of the story was, but it was maddening that Gumble was bringing it up because he is more white than I am.
But I digress. While I was on hold the call screener came back on my line and asked me if I could talk about this topic. He said I had about 15 more minutes. So I had time to think about it.
So I really tried to think about racism and why we were talking about it on sports radio. But as I thought about it, I thought that sports seems to have a way to neutralize racism. I thought that in sports I never hear somebody say, "he's a pretty good player, for a black guy" or "that Chinese guy can really run". It is more like, "Michael Strahan is a freaking great." The thought that he is an African American just doesn't come up.
Finally, Stephen A. came on the line and I was the first caller after he gave his rant of whatever Gumble commented on. I was able to blurt out to Stephen A. my thoughts of racism and that the topic does not belong on sports radio.
He commented that Gumble had some good points and blah blah blah. I remember telling Stephen A. that it was a dull topic and that we should rather be talking about bad the Knicks are.
Then I remember Stephen A. commented to me that racism will not go away and that we all need to talk about it more. Then I remember I got one last comment on the air and I said in annoyed voice, "It's a boring topic!"
But don't get me wrong, I am not saying that racism is boring or should be ignored. All I am saying is that a better topic would be that sports has done wonderful things for racism. In fact, if it weren't for sports, we would probably still be 75 years behind where we are today.
Think about it, the negro baseball leagues had such talented players that Major League Baseball could not help to want that those players in their leagues. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier but he wouldn't have if he stunk. Same thing with football. Arther Ashe was such a great tennis player that he because a pioneer to force people to consider African Americans has prospects.
But after my call with Stephen A. I thought about what he said. "We need to talk about it more.", is what he said. I really pondered what he said. But then I thought, maybe he needs to talk about it more, but "we" do not. If he needs to get past hurts to him or his ancestors, than by all means, talk about it. But I think in the setting of therapy or a support group would be better, not on the radio.
Again I am not trying to be cold. I just think amongst the industry that he and I are in, we should celebrate what we have done for race. I think Dr. King would smile and nod at what sports has done for racism.
Morgan Freeman was on 60 Minutes a few years ago. Mike Wallace asked him some questions about racism. Freeman grew up in the poor sections of Mississippi. He grew up in the heartland of the Klu Klux Klan. But Freeman, did not stop smiling when asked about racism.
In fact, Freeman said something I will never forget. He said, "Racism will go away when we stop talking about it."
At the time, I thought that was a funny thing to be coming from an African American. But it made sense. If we don't talk about it, it doesn't exist.
I don't think Freeman was talking about stuffing it under the rug. I think what he meant was if we constantly bring it up for unwarranted reasons, than we are just fueling anger. What is the point of that? That is not what Dr. King was talking about.
However, racism is real...we cannot forget it, ever. Dr. King never wanted us to forget it. But we have to remember what his dream was about; "To be judged not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character."
But today, on Dr. King's birthday, instead of pondering about racism, why don't we think of how far we have come? I say we celebrate sports today, and sports role in fighting racism!
Rules: Good article. My thoughts..
1. Sports is the great equalizer...there are no rules that favor one race over the other. It all depends on how well you play, and is decided on the field. That being said, racism still exists in recruiting (see JoeHof's excellent article back in Nov).
2. I think Dr. King's and Morgan Freeman's words were awesome. They are both right. Think about Dr, King's speech though...now think about what Sandra Day O'Connor said when white students claimed discrimination in during the Michigan Law School suit a few years ago. The only SYSTEMIC racism that exists in America today is AGAINST the WHITE, HETEROSEXUAL, MALE. But no one will do anything about that...because, I'm white and deserve to have to clear a higher bar than people from other backgrounds.
3. The time of social engineering to correct injustices is over. (Talk to any sane Sociologist). That kind of thing is not what America is about, and to stay on that path will eventually only make the country more divided.
4. I had today off. Thank you Dr. King. If you were alive today I'd love to chat over a cold one on me.
5. Now, some people have a whole month to celebrate their heritage and history. Others have one day. There has been a movement in this country to try and take MY (ancestral) day away: Columbus day (Italian-Americans). They want to rename it "Explorer's Day", to honor all the explorers: ..Hudson...Drake...Balboa, etc. Screw that. I want my month too. Give the other's their month too. Pretty soon we'll have the calendar reduced to 4 day work weeks all year long, once everyone gets their piece of the action.
6. All kidding aside, we need to stop thinking of ourselves as Hyphenated Americans. We are Americans. Period. If you want to remember your ancestors, cook the food or whatever, but their is only one country I call home and will kill to defend...RIGHT next to my brothers in arms from other "backgrounds".
Let's concentrate on what unites us and not what divides us, and fight injustice if and when it rears its ugly head.
Amen Val Halla! Nice commentary.
You are right. We White Male Heterosexuals are getting completely screwed. I will even put Fakehead in that class, even though he is a homosexual. But I guess we have to pay the price for those bastard British land owners for all their slavery.
As for Columbus Day, I think they should call it WOP Day. Sorry, I still get a little bitter from the HS I went to. That and they don't have a Holiday for the Hungarians yet.
But they should call it Hungarian Freedom Fighter Day. I don't really know what those guys were but I know they had a war in 1957.
At any rate, you and Fakehead can celebrate Columbus day. Me and Figs will celebrate St. Patti's Day (The Hungarians like to Drink so that will be a good home for us until they officially form Hungarian Freedom Fighter Day).
At any rate, I am so tired and have no idea what the hell I am talking about any more.
All I know is that I asked my 5 year old son to draw a picture of Martin Luther King today and he drew a stick figure with really long arms on a roller coaster. And to my son, that is what MLK represents to him.
Secrest Out!
I think racism is a valid topic as long as we are still doing measurements for the different races to appreciate the divergent evolution. For instance, why did some places invent the whell while others did not?
Why did eyes go blue? Was it because of the light refraction off of snow in the northern climates?
Hungary, Unruler, was settled by the Huns. No surprise there, but a Roman governor from some long time ago drew a line a conceeded some land for these barbarian hordes. That land became the place the Huns settled, hence Hun-gary. Which is right next to Romania, which is so named because that was the side of the line that the Romans stayed on. Regardless, because of all that there are so fucking hot women that come from there. I met this Romanian chick and Denver years back and she could melt steel.
Also, the racist arguement is about to receive some potential 'validation'. The field of science that is decoding DNA and cataloging all the markers of differences in the strand amongst the various peoples of the world. It turns out that there is a direct IQ reading among the different races. They want to safegaurd the information as much as possible because it would be a scandal like no other. Then people would create rival groups to de-bunk the findings and we have industrial espionage on a grand scale. That's a good idea for a book actually, I'll have to remember that one.
Also, I am more Italian than Irish so I get to celebrate St. Patti's AND Columbus Day with the Fakest Of Heads.
Peace out!
Great article and comments. I don't have much to add, except to say that racism is still around, but I agree 100% that most normal people don't give a shit whether Michael Jordan is black, blue or fucking orange, they only care that he was the best basketball player ever and led the Bulls to championships.
It's a complete shame that black people got treated so poorly for so long in this country, Jim Crow and the KKK aside, the Country even treated them like shit when the fought in wars for it. Because people are fucked up in this country, I don't think racism will ever go away, but Unruly is right in that it is a million times better than it was. People with half a brain don't give a shit about a person's color, but there are too many people out there who do. To that end, Steven Smith may have a point. The only thing we can do is do our best and not judge somebody on their skin, and call out people who do to try and make them change their mind.
Regardless, this topic is boring! Let's talk about the Fighting MudHens of Par-Hills and how they are going down this week in hoops!
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