Kehoe! What was that? Kehoe! Is someone clearing his or her throat? Kehoe! What is that noise? Kehoe! Stop, please!!!
That was an excerpt of Billy Oliver’s dream last night. Okay, obviously it was not but you cannot deny that Chatham’s armor is not as high tech as was anticipated at the beginning of the season. Or perhaps, Summit has decided that they are better than their record indicates.
This past Friday night, Billy Oliver and the Chatham Cougars were handed their second loss of the season by losing to Chris Kehoe and 3-4 Summit. Kehoe and Jordan Healey combined for 33 points and drained 7 from 3-point land.
Summit came out of the box strong scoring 19 points in the first quarter. But then Billy Oliver rallied the Cougars by out scoring Summit 12-1 in the second.
Things evened out in the second half but Summit outscored Chatham 27 to 25 and hung on for the win.
“We feel we are starting to gel now. We felt there were some close games that we should have won. Beating Chatham will be something we can build on. (This is a fake quote. But if he probably would have said something like this. I am just spicing up the article.)
Summit will be able to test their confidence in the next few games as they face a solid Hanover Park team and a rallying Par Hills team.
“Momentum is on our side.” Healey said. “If Kehoe and I can hit three’s like we did tonight, we can beat any team in the league. (Healey didn’t say that either.)
Chatham, on the other hand, has to rally because their tests are just getting harder. This Tuesday night they face an undefeated Morris Hills team. Morris Hills is brimming with confidence behind their stud forward Justin Doniloski and shifty point guard Adam Katz.
“This was a tough loss.” Chatham scoring leader Billy Oliver said after the game. “But we will need to pull up our boot straps and get ready for MoHills. They are on fire right now and it will be a great confidence booster if we could beat them.” (Oliver said none of that.)
Mid-Season MVP Awards:
Hills Division: Justin Doniloski (a.k.a. King Justin). Justin is just emerging this year as the total stud of the Hills division. He also has a great supporting cast but he is just making the most of every opportunity. He is the major reason his MoHills team is the only undefeated team in the division.
Iron Division: Jameel Grace (a.k.a. J.G.). Grace is arguably one of the best b-ballers in North Jersey. His team is undefeated and I really cannot foresee any teams that can pick these guys apart. Between Grace, Yvon Ramond and Kenny Rubenstein this team has the depth and skill to take it all the way.
Teams To Make an Impact in the Second Half of the Season:
Hills Division: I like H.P. because of the grittiness. Any team that has Phil Gatti and Pete Nagy has heart. And that is what fans love. I also like Weequahic and think they have a chance to go
all the way. Weequahic should definitely be on MoHills radar. Two names you need to know for Weequahic; Dashwan Eagie and Shahid Brown. Another team that is really coming together is Mendham. Rob Berish is getting better with every week. Mark Cisco is big, strong and tough under the boards. They actually have the team and the coaching to make a push for a title.
Iron Division: Roxbury has been making noise all year. But the big names like Seton Hall Prep and Columbia over shadow them. Kevin Ahern is good and they have good coaching. Seton Hall Prep will also get their act together. They have come out of the box slow with a few tough losses. But the Gibbs Bros will change that with a nice second half run.
What Happened??? Award:
Morristown gets this for the first half. I am hoping they get things going. The reason for their collapse? Their superstar Georgie Bass has been playing on an injured ankle that he carried over from football season. Their run and gun offense cannot get going with Bass not able to gun or run.
That was an excerpt of Billy Oliver’s dream last night. Okay, obviously it was not but you cannot deny that Chatham’s armor is not as high tech as was anticipated at the beginning of the season. Or perhaps, Summit has decided that they are better than their record indicates.
This past Friday night, Billy Oliver and the Chatham Cougars were handed their second loss of the season by losing to Chris Kehoe and 3-4 Summit. Kehoe and Jordan Healey combined for 33 points and drained 7 from 3-point land.
Summit came out of the box strong scoring 19 points in the first quarter. But then Billy Oliver rallied the Cougars by out scoring Summit 12-1 in the second.
Things evened out in the second half but Summit outscored Chatham 27 to 25 and hung on for the win.
“We feel we are starting to gel now. We felt there were some close games that we should have won. Beating Chatham will be something we can build on. (This is a fake quote. But if he probably would have said something like this. I am just spicing up the article.)
Summit will be able to test their confidence in the next few games as they face a solid Hanover Park team and a rallying Par Hills team.
“Momentum is on our side.” Healey said. “If Kehoe and I can hit three’s like we did tonight, we can beat any team in the league. (Healey didn’t say that either.)
Chatham, on the other hand, has to rally because their tests are just getting harder. This Tuesday night they face an undefeated Morris Hills team. Morris Hills is brimming with confidence behind their stud forward Justin Doniloski and shifty point guard Adam Katz.
“This was a tough loss.” Chatham scoring leader Billy Oliver said after the game. “But we will need to pull up our boot straps and get ready for MoHills. They are on fire right now and it will be a great confidence booster if we could beat them.” (Oliver said none of that.)
Mid-Season MVP Awards:
Hills Division: Justin Doniloski (a.k.a. King Justin). Justin is just emerging this year as the total stud of the Hills division. He also has a great supporting cast but he is just making the most of every opportunity. He is the major reason his MoHills team is the only undefeated team in the division.
Iron Division: Jameel Grace (a.k.a. J.G.). Grace is arguably one of the best b-ballers in North Jersey. His team is undefeated and I really cannot foresee any teams that can pick these guys apart. Between Grace, Yvon Ramond and Kenny Rubenstein this team has the depth and skill to take it all the way.
Teams To Make an Impact in the Second Half of the Season:
Hills Division: I like H.P. because of the grittiness. Any team that has Phil Gatti and Pete Nagy has heart. And that is what fans love. I also like Weequahic and think they have a chance to go

Iron Division: Roxbury has been making noise all year. But the big names like Seton Hall Prep and Columbia over shadow them. Kevin Ahern is good and they have good coaching. Seton Hall Prep will also get their act together. They have come out of the box slow with a few tough losses. But the Gibbs Bros will change that with a nice second half run.
What Happened??? Award:
Morristown gets this for the first half. I am hoping they get things going. The reason for their collapse? Their superstar Georgie Bass has been playing on an injured ankle that he carried over from football season. Their run and gun offense cannot get going with Bass not able to gun or run.
Yo they say in football: "Any given Sunday."
Its never a sure thing...besides, BBall is kind of a fickle sport anyway - sometimes you are hot and sometimes you aren't - it's just like that. Congrats to Summit.
But - can they sustain it??
Yeah, that Kehoe kid was draining them in that game.
Hey, did you like my fake quotes?
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